Thursday, August 6, 2009

da dill-io...

so here is da

ive been super busy lately working two jobs to save money for skool....which hasnt neccessarily been working! Next weekend is when skool is going to start and i have no yeah i really wanna go i just dont see dat happening! =( i really dont kno wat God has in store for my life...i thought i knew...but here lately i really feel i dont! ive been feeling really down lately, i guess because i now am having to deal with consequences due to the STUPID decisions i choose to make.... my life is really sucky rite now but o well........

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


ok so lately i have started back to work @ wal-mart-izzle! boo... as a cashier...
nothing really interesting has happened lately except me still crushing on this guy... who will remain nameless! because this internet thingy is crazzee and he might eventually find ne ways so pray for me!!! =] Tomorrow i will be givin a devo to da uth grp and it will also be the premire of my first official random "my trip to burger king" which i will post on here at a later date! we maybe.... stayin kewl always


ps. follower me on twitter: scenekidcali23 myspace: glitter_glam_princess or facebook!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Things Accomplished Today!

Well today only had one interesting event, which was me pee-ing my pants!!! yikes :/

-So i had been holding my in for a couple of hours and i decided to scare my niece. She had been watching the movie "darkness falls"? i think about an evil tooth fairy... ne ways i attempted to scare her n snuck up behind her making scary noises, aka heavy breathing like on the movie.... but it wasnt working!!! =( then i started i kno sick but i did and it began to fall on her at this point she was unaware and i began to laugh. i laufed so profusly that my PEE CAME GUSHING OUT! it was totally out of my control! sheesh there is something about peeing ur pants that takes me back to my childhood and the 5th jk

*Your not cool unless you Pee your pants! -Billy Madison

Advice for the day: dont wait till its too late, go to the bathroom @ the first sensation!
