Have you ever found yourself in a "sticky" situation? If you are like me, there has been plenty of those incredibly"sticky" moments.
I feel like a child often. Many times we allow children to get into things they shouldn't, while we watch from a distance. We watch our children get into "sticky" situations."that's the only way they are going to learn..."
I find myself many times living life, as if though no one is looking after me. I live life, as if I have no one to answer to. Like a child, carefree, in those instances of self seeking.
Humanity is focused on the concept of 'freedom.' The United States for instance, the most desired nation to live in. The home of the free. The possibilities are endless here...because there is not a dictator watching your every move. There is a government who watches from a distance. A government, who doesn't act unless given reason. Only if you break the law, or are a threat to others. Just like a child's parent, who doesn't act, unless given reason. After a child is in a "sticky" situation.
God since the beginning of time has given us 'free will.' Freedom to do as we please. Although He gives us free will, He also shares His desires with us. He has given us the 'Holy Bible,' a book of commandments, promises, love, and direction.
The government has placed laws before us and we follow them. Is it because our God is not visible, we choose Not to follow His commands?
We respect the government, but not the creator of the Universe.
God, is like that parent, who watches over His children. But because of the 'free will' He has given us, He does not intervene, unless we ask Him to.
The bible says He is a gentleman.
The only time God intervened was when He flooded the earth. Then promised He wouldn't do it again.
Lately I've noticed I'm in a "sticky" situation. God has brought it to my attention numerous times. My only problem is letting go. I understand where I am at, is not where he wants me to be. Because of 'free will' I can, and He allows me to stay here. He won't come to my rescue unless, I ask Him to.
Why are the things we want the most, the ones that are the worst for you? Like junk food.
Why is it that its easier to follow government laws, then it is to follow His will for our lives?....