Thursday, February 18, 2010

Shut Up and Live!

Yesterday i had a bad day!!!
All day long i was grouchy, people were trying me, I just wanted to be left alone. I had time to think during my lunch break...and my thoughts were this: Why do i have to be here?, Man I cant wait to finish so I can get on with the rest of my life, I hate this, Why am i even doing this?, Why did I sacrifice sooo much?, What if all this is for nothing?, basically I thought all these thoughts +1 or 2. I was complaining, I was mad at myself, and I was even questioning God.

Well late afternoon around five I get a text from my mom. The text read
"remember hermana Lola well she passed out here at Wal Mart and then she died. I'm sad i was the last person that talked to her."

Wow! just like that, I was on break in January, back home, and I saw this lady at church, no doubt i probably greeted her. she seemed perfectly healthy. It is still difficult to wrap my head around the fact that she is gone, dead, hasta la vista baby.

God in that moment really just slapped me in the face and said "Shut up and live!"

All day i let little things get the better of me, while a sister from church lay lifeless.

How selfish am, that i would not only be satisfied with life but i wanted everything all day to go my way. How would the world be if we all got everything we wanted. I think it would be pure chaos.

Yesterday was a reality check. I'm sure Lola would have loved another day of life, even if it meant it was gunna be a bad hair day. Yet I complained about all the little things, and never once thought to thank God for life, for the opportunity to be in ministry, or even the clean air I breathe.

While reading this I'm sure you thought of a day or two where you felt everything that could go wrong went wrong. but the reality is you still have life.

There comes a point in life, where we just have to Shut Up and Live! what good is going to come from complaining, or hating life, we only have one life, meanwhile we shouldnt take it for granted. I have to believe the more we are complaining the less time we are actually living life.

*This is speaking to me first of all, having a bad attitude and complaining is an area that i need to work on.

Even though we are not in November, I believe we should practice having an attitude of thanksgiving toward the Lord.

Ps. i had a great day today! =)
Thank You Jesus!

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